To find out more about each workshop visit here.
Friday 30th June 2023
10:00 Register and Explore the Stalls (Clore Education Centre, British Museum)
Once registered, visit the university and exhibitor stalls to ask questions about undergraduate anthropology courses and admissions. Be sure to check the ‘Guide to Participating Universities 2023’ in your London Anthropology Day bags.
11:00 Welcome and Introduction (BP Lecture Theatre)
11:30 First Workshop Session
Anthropology of Heritage: Economic Development (BP) Alanna Cant, The University of Reading
What is Love? (Stevenson) Jessica Johnson, The University of Birmingham
Imagining Futures, (Clore) Sally Atkinson, University of Exeter CANCELLED
Learning to Play the Game: how migrants become ‘legal’ in Italy (Moser) Anna Tuckett, Brunel University London
Crises, which crises? Doing anthropology in the 21st century (Studio) Patrick Nevelling and Gabrielle Delbarre, Bournemouth University
12:25 Second Workshop Session
Conspiracy Theories and Their Truths in Times of Confusion: Anthropological Perspectives (BP), Mathijs Pelkmans, London School of Economics and Political Science
Bodies and Performances (Stevenson) Evan Killick, University of Sussex
Disease, Death and Dissection: Evidence for Health Care in Past Societies (Clore) Heidi Dawson-Hobbis, University of Winchester
Falling in Love with a Robot? (Studio) Fabio Gygi, SOAS University of London
Dexterous Digits: How 5 million years of evolution shaped our extraordinary human hands (Moser) Chris Dunmore, The University of Kent
13:10 Lunch Break
Bring a packed lunch or purchase lunch at the museum. Please do not leave the museum premises.
13:40 Re-registration and time to explore stalls
14:10 Third Workshop Session
Politics and Relationships in the US: An Anthropological Perspective (BP) Siobhan Magee, The University of Edinburgh
7 Million Years of Human Evolution in 45 Minutes! (Stevenson) Simon Underdown and Sam Smith, Oxford Brookes
Exploring Cross-cultural Universality and Diversity in the World’s Music (Clore) Sally Street, Durham University
And So What Have we Learned from Brexit? (Moser) Katherine Smith, University of Manchester
From Pith Helmets to Post-Colonialism: A very brief introduction to contemporary anthropologies (Studio) Daniel Artus, UCL
15:05 Fourth Workshop Session & British Museum Visits
University Admissions and Careers with Anthropology: your questions answered (Stevenson) Nicole Aleong, Caterina Sartori, Simon Roberts, John Loewenthal, Dr Elizabeth Ewart
Are Humans Naturally Monogamous? (BP) Kit Opie, University of Bristol
Bringing Them Home: the contribution of forensic anthropology for the repatriation of soldiers remains (Clore) Matteo Borrini, Liverpool John Moores University
16:00 Finish