

London Anthropology Day 2015

Bookings: E-mail Bookings
Info: E-mail for further Information
Website: E-mail The Webmaster

If you represent a university and are interesting in running a regional version of the London Anthropology Day please feel free to contact the Royal Anthropological Institute’s Education and Communications Officer for information about the practicalities of the event.

Telephone: 0207 387 0455
E-mail: Emma Ford


Free to the world since 1753, the British Museum houses one of the greatest collections of human cultural history.

Telephone: 44 (0)20 7323 8299
E-mail: The British Museum

Anthropology in Schools and Colleges

The Royal Anthropological Institute has embarked on a programme, Discover Anthropology, to introduce anthropology into pre-university education. They are working on developing resources for the Anthropology A-Level as well as the IB Anthropology at the pre-university level. Nafisa is particularly interested to hear from individual teachers and schools/colleges interested in running an A-Level in Anthropology or in utilising anthropological resources. If you would like to find out more please contact the RAIメs Education and Communications Officer: Emma Ford.

Telephone: 020 7387 0455
E-mail: RAI’s Education and Communications Officer
Website: www.discoveranthropology.org.uk

The Anthropology Library and Research Centre at the British Museum’s Centre for Anthropology

Telephone: 020 7323 8031
Website:The Anthropology Library and Research Centre

The Royal Anthropological Institute

Telephone: 0207 387 0455
E-mail: The RAI
Website: www.therai.org.uk