
Questions to Consider

If you have decided that anthropology is for you, what should you do next? Here are a some examples of questions that you, as a prospective student, should consider when choosing your university course.

Are in-person open days running for your chosen university? 

Joint honours vs. Single Honours? BSc. vs. BA? Study Abroad? Year in Industry? You should consider what kind of degree structure and features suit you. Do you want to study a varied set of subjects, and so would suit joint honours over single honours. Are you interested in a Science (BSc) or Arts (BA) degree, and how does this affect the kind of learning you will do? 

How much of the course is compulsory vs. optional elective modules? How much choice will you get about what specific topics you get to study? 

How much flexibility is there to move courses, change faculty or change specialisation at your chosen university if you find your specific course choice does not work out? 

Are there any practical components to the course? Do your chosen universities have facilities that suit your field of study? 

Does your chosen course have a study abroad option? Are there opportunities for fieldwork? Does the course have trips as part of the teaching schedule? 

How does assessment for your course work? What is the split between exams and coursework? What type of assessment are you more keen on? 

What kind of financial support is available at each university? Are there any scholarships or grants which you are applicable for?