
Cambridge – Biological Anthropology

University of Cambridge Biological Anthropology

Biological anthropology is an exciting subject comparing societies and cultures, looking at change over time and exploring human diversity through the lens of the biological sciences. At Cambridge, biological anthropology is taught as part of the undergraduate degree in archaeology and your studies will include topics ranging from human evolution, comparative human biology, primatology, genetics, health, diet and disease. Many of our biological anthropology graduates go on to further studies and careers in forensics, conservation, heritage, research, teaching and law amongst many others.

Social Anthropology
Biological Anthropology ✔️
Material Culture/Archaeology ✔️
Entry Requirements A*AA/ IB 40-42 points, with 776 at Higher Level
Preferred Subjects No preferences
Single Honours?BA Human, Social and Political Sciences
BA Archaeology (Biological Anthropology is offered through the Archaeology course, either as a stand-alone track or as a combination with Archaeology)
Joint Honours?Social Anthropology with A) Politics and International Relations B) Sociology
BA Archaeology (Biological Anthropology is offered through the Archaeology course, either as a stand-alone track or as a combination with Archaeology)
Part-time option?No
Contact outreach@arch.cam.ac.uk


Sample Lectures and Seminars